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How a Leading Healthcare Provider in the MOV Utilizes an MSP

Writer's picture: BiztecBiztec

Doctor holding a patient's hand.

In an era of constant advancements in technology, industries far and wide must adapt to the ever-changing landscape. Healthcare, for instance, must continually evolve their technologies to provide the best support for patients. To remain updated, efficient and secure, Parkersburg Cardiology Associates (PCA) utilizes Biztec to empower their staff and ease their patient’s journey.

PCA is the leading cardiovascular services provider in the Mid-Ohio Valley (MOV) Region. The healthcare provider offers a variety of services including outpatient diagnostic services, 24/7 interventional coverage and open-heart surgery under the direction of well-trained, board- certified medical professionals.

At PCA, patients are the top priority because nothing is more vital than the health and well-being of the community. To assist in these endeavors, the medical center utilizes Biztec, so that they may implement innovative and customizable IT solutions to exceed their patient’s highest expectations. To shed light on this partnership, Wendy Heater, Executive Assistant at PCA, detailed the relationship between the medical center and the IT provider.

Heater manages most of the office’s operations like payroll and their computers. However, if the tech is being uncooperative and she’s unable to fix the issue alone, Heater calls Biztec. “They [Biztec’s technicians] solve all my issues. There has never been an issue that has went unresolved,” stated Heater.

For over six years, Biztec has provided PCA with a variety of solutions to maximize their operations. During that time, Heater has been able to experience Biztec at its finest and understand what makes them a top IT provider in the MOV.

“I appreciate how quickly they [Biztec] respond to any problem that we have. I am never waiting more than a few hours for anyone to reply,” Heater said.

Biztec’s services provide PCA with many benefits including access to experienced technicians, high-quality products and the most modern technology on the market. Heater particularly enjoys the online client portals that allow her to submit help deskticketseachtimeanissuearises. Having access to these portals allows Heater to remain proactive and react to problems instantaneously.

“I really enjoy that we can log tickets online, and I don’t have to call in every time. Sometimes I do have to call, [but] no matter [what] the response is so quick. Someone there always takes care of what I need,” Heater stated.

Additionally, PCA is able to have Brian Wilson, Help Desk Technician at Biztec, on-site two days per week to assist with any and all technology needs. Heater discussed her admiration of Wilson and continues to utilize his services.

“Having Brian in office two days a week is invaluable. Besides that, he is so friendly and always has a positive attitude, he always checks in. Having him onsite is certainly a blessing,” she said.

As PCA expands, so does their technology. Over the last several weeks, many large projects have been occurring at the medical center, and Biztec has been there every step of the way to provide additional support. Heater mentioned that to assist with these projects, Wilson has been there to provide guidance and service when needed.

Heater stated,“Brian has been on top of all of that [setting up technology for the doctors, etc.],and[he is always] checking in. He never just leaves. He always comes back, and I always know what is going on.”

At the end of the day, Biztec’s main priority is their customers and PCA is the perfect example. Heater and her team maintain a wonderful working relationship with Biztec, and that relationship continues to thrive as the years continue.

“I think that if someone is thinking about coming to [Biztec], the communication is going to be there. The follow up is going to be there. The timeframe between the problem and their response is amazing. I don’t think that you would get that anywhere else.”
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